God-Centered Education

We are a homeschool program that meets weekly where students learn to have a biblical worldview of history, literature, civics, free market economics, ethics, science, culture, and more.

Cohorts for every grade

Pre-K - Kindergarden

Grades 5-6

Grades 1-2

Grades 7-8

Grades 3-4

Grades 9-10

Grades 11-GAP

About Our Program

Great American Outpost is a homeschool program with a boots-on-the-ground perspective. A one-or two-day a week program for where we come alongside you, the teacher, to help guide your children in unrevised history, to have Socratic discussions in literature of the big ideas that formed western civilization, to encourage engagement in civics, to understand free market economics, to be grounded in a biblical worldview of ethics, politics, science, the cultural issues of today, and more.


We believe that America has a Christian foundation. Despite debate whether…

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We want to look at history with fidelity and honesty, recognizing the good, the bad, the ugly in order to learn...

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We believe that the Constitution is the highest law of the land. God requires us to be submissive to the governing...

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What Parents Say

When you become a parent, you automatically become a steward of your God-bestowed child. It is a role unlike any other that requires the greatest of intention to ‘train up a child in the way they should go.’

It was this Biblical mandate that called my husband and me to homeschool over a decade ago, and it has been one of the greatest investments of my life. Over time I have discovered the necessity and merit of aligning with other like-minded homeschool families. Joining GAO has provided a community of Believers and patriots that has encouraged and strengthened me to continue purposefully and urgently fighting for the minds and souls of my children.

While many educational systems continue to ravage virtue, promote iniquitous behavior, and vilify their own homeland and countrymen, GAO actively seeks to provide Godly and historically accurate curriculum and guidance for the upcoming generation and their parents, and to promote a sense of duty and personal responsibility that will positively affect the future of our ‘one nation under God.’

“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”–Abraham Lincoln


Homeschool Parent of 10+ Years

Homeschooling wasn’t quite on our radar when we had our first child. In fact, we were both working parents until God made it blatantly clear I needed to stay home with our child. Come school age, I interviewed Principals at local schools and did school tours. We now have two beautiful children God blessed us with at this point.

Again, God made It blatantly clear to homeschool our children. We didn’t join a Homeschool Co Op at first because we were just not finding the right fit for our family and our beliefs. Another God moment, Great American Outpost was here locally and starting a new chapter (Chattanooga, TN). THIS WAS IT! THIS is what we’ve been looking for! A place away from home that supports our biblical beliefs and our patriotism. A place with like-minded families and terrific children. GAO gives us the support and tools to give our children a solid ground to stand on. It’s biblical, historical, and constitutional.

It’s like a breath of fresh air every Community Day knowing there are other families with the same God centered beliefs and desires for them and their children surrounding my family. GAO has been such a blessing to our family and I pray more families come along our side and join us.

"Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth." - Psalm 127:4... We are raising our arrows and preparing them for their eternity.

Lauren W.

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“Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom."

- John Adams