Made For Community

About GAO

Great American Outpost is a homeschool program with a boots-on-the-ground perspective. A one-or two-day a week program where we come alongside you, the teacher, to help guide your children in unrevised history, to have Socratic discussions in literature of the big ideas that formed Western civilization, to encourage engagement in civics, to understand free market economics, to be grounded in a biblical worldview of ethics, politics, science, the cultural issues of today, and more.

Love Of Country

Made For Something More

Great American Outpost is a community of Christian homeschoolers who believe in God and who love our country and the principles that founded it. We reject the fallacy that Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics, business, culture, economics and finances, industry, and policy-making. We are to be faithful in all areas of life, wherever God calls and plants us.

How We Got Here

There Is A Time For Everything and a season for every activity under the heavens...

We are currently in great spiritual turmoil in this country and the world. It is past time that we awaken from our slumber and get serious about the biblical charge of being faithful and bold disciples for Christ. We believe that Christians are waking up and ready to restore the years lost to complacency, laziness, passing off responsibility to others, and overindulgence in non-eternal things. We enjoyed much during the time of prosperity but it is now time to strip ourselves of excess and take up our crosses. One of those ways might mean taking full responsibility for our kids’ education by homeschooling.

Student Activities

We believe that without laser-focus in our children’s education we will see the extinction of freedom in America as we know it within the next generation. We are not called to save America, nor look for a person who can, but to preach the gospel to the world, making disciples of them, being faithful not only in the narrow context of our home and church but in all realms; there is no sacred and secular divide. Our children’s future may look different than the one we faced so we need to normalize trade or entrepreneurship as options to college.

What We Hope To Be...

  • A program where your students can get principled and practical training.

  • A community that respects parents and their convictions.

  • A team that teaches how to protect our God-given rights and liberty while demonstrating courage in the face of losing them.

  • A culture that demonstrates freedom and flourishing.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction... “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” – Ronald Reagan

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Make A Donation (coming soon)

“Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom."

- John Adams